Episode 16

Craig Groeshel released a book entitled The Power to Change. The main point of the book is “Mastering the Habits that Matter Most.” 

What makes you a great leader depends a lot on the habits that you have created in your life. The third habit Groeshel discusses in his book is “habits not hope.”

Watch the video for a quick explanation and then consider these questions:

  • Have you ever tried to break a habit before? How successful were you and how hard was it? 

  • Do you have specific places, certain times of year, particular moods that come on you, or moments you experience, that trigger negative responses in you? Why do you think that happens? 

  • If you could change that trigger to create a more positive response in you, how would you go about doing it? 

Comment and share your answers to the questions above. Let us know if you have any additional thoughts or questions.
