Values - Serve with Selflessness

Sharable notes for the September 12, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: John 4:31-34; Philippians 2:3-4; Mark 10:45; 1 Peter 4:10

  • George Barna, “We are a designer society. We want everything customized to fit our personal needs - our clothing, our food, our education. Now it’s our religion.”

  • Consumer Christianity turns faith into a commodity.

  • “If a man can’t be cured of churchgoing, the next best thing is to send him all over the neighborhood looking for the church that ‘suits’ him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches.” CS Lewis The Screwtape Letters

  • Are you only benefitting from what the church offers or are you also contributing to what the church offers?

  • Life is not about striving and getting, but serving and giving.

  • If you’re a follower of Jesus, you are gifted, and called, and set apart to use your gifts to make a difference in His Church.

  • Our position is not what defines our service, our posture is.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • How do you see the consumer mindset show up in church?

  • Do you think you have fallen prey to approaching church from a consumer mindset more so than a contributor mindset? Why is that?

  • How do you use the gifts you have to serve in the church and as the church? If you don't, what steps can you take to begin? What direction do you believe God would like to use you to serve?

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

“In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” Ephesians 1:11 (NIV)

“In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” Ephesians 1:11 (NIV)
