Our Purpose

Bethel Worship Center exists to be a place where people’s lives are transformed and they become catalyst for transformation in their community.

Our Vision

We envision a church of disciple making disciples who impact others with love and service that is both magnetic and contagious.

Our Values

We believe these values are instilled in us as God works in our life and these values help us transform our community. You can see a series we did on these values by clicking here. We want to be a body of people who:

Psalm 66:1-3; Hebrews 13:15

Worship is more than a time slot in a church service, it’s a posture of our heart. We express that posture together in our services through music, but everyday we want to be people who are in awe of God and who He is.

John 13:34; 1 John 2:7-8

For God so LOVED the world…. Love is what motivated Jesus Christ to do what he did for us, as Paul said, while we were still sinners. Jesus has called us to that same love. Love may require something great but the change it can bring will be great as well.

1 Peter 3:15-16; 4:8

We have the responsibility as a follower of Christ to share our faith. Listen to someone's story, share your story, share God’s story, and keep love and humility in the middle of it all. When you do this, God will show up and do what only He can do.

Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Peter 4:10

As followers of Jesus, you are gifted, and called, and set apart to use your gifts to make a difference in your family, your job, your community and His Church. Serving is not about position, it’s about posture.

Matthew 28:18-20

Very literally, what Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 28 was “As you do life, as you go, make disciples.” We don’t just want to know what Jesus taught, we want to do what Jesus called us to. It’s not about our ability, it’s about availability and his ability through us.

Matthew 23:23; Luke 12:15; 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

As followers of Christ, giving can't just be something we do, it must be a characteristic of who we are. That characteristic is generosity. Jesus called us to fight greed with generosity. We want to be generous with our time, our talents and our treasure.