Starts Here Week 5

Sharable notes for the July 2, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Mark 10:46-52; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 10:16
Passages referenced: Isaiah 9:2; 35:5; Luke 7:22

  • To be like Christ is to open our lives to those who are despised because of their positions, and welcome those who are shunned because of their social status.

  • We're often looking for status while Jesus is looking for servants.

  • We must learn from what Jesus did all through his earthly ministry - reset boundaries, restore dignity and bring value to those who are marginalized.

  • Jesus paused what was going on in his world for the need of what was going on in someone else’s world.

  • There is always a need that we can stop for. We need to have our ears open to sense when the Holy Spirit wants to use us in specific situations.

  • Greatness in the Kingdom of God is stopping for the needs of others.

  • We have opportunities around us to respond in a way that acknowledges each person’s value and their need for God.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Has anyone ever stopped what was happening in their life for you? How did that make you feel?

  • How do you typically determine whether or not to stop for someone's need?

  • How does the thought of not letting our measuring stick for whether or not we stop for someone be how we see them - a taker or a contributor - challenge you?

  • How does knowing that God loves, values and accepts everyone - no matter how messy - change the way you view people who are different from you?

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A blind beggar crying out desperately by the side of the road, an immoral woman despised as dirty by polite society, a corrupt government employee hated by all – how could any of these people from society’s fringes hope to connect with a holy God? Based on insights from the book of Luke in the Africa Study Bible, follow Jesus as he bridges the gap between God and the marginalized.
