It Began With a Sacrifice

Sharable notes for the April 28, 2019 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

began with sacrifice.png

  • Something that is precious to you is valuable to you. God valued His Son Jesus and He valued you enough for Jesus to give His life for you.

  • At the cross, when Jesus shed His blood, He was saying to you - I am forgiving you, pardoning you, canceling out your sin, if you will believe in and follow me.

  • When Jesus was on the cross He wasn't guilty of anything, He was dying for the guilty.

  • You can't offer God enough goodness or good works to cover your sin. The only thing that can cover our sin is the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross. Our response to that is what matters.

  • We don't have to live in shame over our sin and our mistakes. The blood of Jesus not only covered our sin, it covers our shame as well.


  • Do you try to make things right with God through good deeds? How so?

  • How does shame get to you?

  • What keeps you from completely accepting what Christ has done for you and what steps can you take to allow Christ to take your shame?

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