Christ Centered in a Selfie Centered World Week 3

Sharable notes for the October 16, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Instead of being authentic, we often choose to veil reality. 
  • A veiled heart will keep us from seeing and receiving God's truth. 
  • Veils that keep us from seeing the truth: religious tradition, we can't get over our past, unforgiveness, wrong relationships, sin. 
  • Sin veils us to the love of Jesus and to the reality of our condition in sin, until we have sown seeds that bring destruction.
  • Trying to control our image and veil our sin is a never ending journey that leads to regret.
  • We see what we want about our life when we view through the lens of self rather than the lens of Christ. 
  • The Bible is not a lucky rabbit's foot. It points to Jesus Christ who is the truth that sets us free. 
  • We're not just called to know the truth but to live the truth so that others will see the truth. 
  • Jesus didn't come and die so we could follow what feels right but so that we would follow Him. 
  • Instead of filtering our lives to cover sin, we can be filtered by God's love and freed from sin. 