August 2023 Kid's Church

When we look outside and see the beautiful world around us, we’re reminded that God is great, powerful, and creative. From the birds flying high in the sky, to the planets orbiting the sun, to animals scampering around the earth, everything we see points to God’s immense creativity. Jesus used creativity in the way He told parables, performed miracles, and helped His followers understand more about what it means to be part of God’s kingdom. On top of that, we’re created in God’s image. We can solve problems, create art and music, and design skyscrapers high into the sky. When we create, we reflect the image of God to the world around us.

We want to help your children learn more about Creativity. That's why this month we’re teaching them that creativity is using your imagination to do something new. Below you'll discover what we're talking about each week, and you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids!

Free Downloads

Parent Cue App - The Parent Cue App is designed to help every parent do something each week to help move their child toward a deeper faith and a better future.

Weekly Devotions - Downloadable devotions that you could do with your kids. (Daily devotionals for each week)

Cue Sheet K-3rd - Parent Cue Sheet to give you meal time discussion ideas with your kids, morning time conversations, and other information.

Cue Sheet 4th-5th - Parent Cue Sheet to give you meal time discussion ideas with your kids, morning time conversations, and other information.

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. (Note: to receive each week’s virtual lesson you will need to be a part of this group.)

This month's memory verse:
